Integrity / code of conduct Medi Aid Foundation - Holland Sri Lanka
The Medi Aid Foundation is committed to providing substantive and material support in the field of healthcare and education in Sri Lanka to those who need it. for whatever reason. do not have the necessary resources or options - The foundation does this by making an active contribution to improving the conditions in which people in Sri Lanka are received, cared for or nursed. Through Medi-Aid's contribution, the foundation also aims to improve and professionalize care for the elderly and disabled and to contribute to employment and the future prospects of underprivileged people. Our behavior is in accordance with the goals and values of our foundation. Our board members, volunteers (separately formulated code of conduct for volunteers in projects) and/or employees naturally follow the following rules of conduct:
No abuse of power
* We provide a pleasant and safe (working) environment, where we respect others and do not discriminate on the basis of nationality, skin color, sex, sexual preference, religion, age,
* We do not use our position to force undesirable behavior (such as sexual favors) from the other person,
* We give colleagues, interns or project participants the space to express concerns or file complaints about fraud, theft, discrimination, harassment, mismanagement or any other unethical behavior, without possible repercussions for these persons.
* We do not leak confidential information.
No financial violations
* We don't steal or cheat,
* We don't waste the resources we have at our disposal,
* We do not abuse the resources or goods at our disposal,
* We do not accept corruption or blackmail.
No interpersonal violations
* We do not cross the physical and emotional boundaries of others, for example through unwanted touching, pushing, pinching, or even physical or sexual harassment,
* We do not continue flirting or other suggestive behavior if it has been made clear that the other person does not want it,
* We do not share pornographic, xenophobic or otherwise disturbing or offensive material,
* We do not make false accusations,
* We don't bully, make offensive jokes or exclude anyone.
Don't damage the name
* We behave professionally and respectfully in our contacts with donors, colleagues, (project) partners and project participants,
* The name of the Medi Aid foundation is not used to promote political or religious interests,
* We avoid conflicts of interest, or conflicting interests, between our work and our other activities,
* We do not work under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics, and do not carry illegal substances with us while working for the foundation,
* We do not accept gifts or services from people, organizations or companies that have an interest in collaborating with our foundation.
A code of conduct in itself does not prevent integrity problems. The norms, values and agreements must be embedded in the organization in various ways. We do this, for example, by:
* Hiring new board members and volunteers who fit within the foundation.
* Discuss the code on a regular basis: are the rules still up to date? What dilemmas are at play?
* Transgressive behavior must not be left unpunished.
Employees, interns, volunteers or other external stakeholders who are victims of transgressive behavior, or who see that rules of conduct are being violated in the field, with partners or within the team, can discuss this with and/or report this to a confidential counselor/board member appointed by the board has been selected. The confidential counselor conducts a preliminary investigation: is there really a violation of the code of conduct? Is there reason for doubt? What is provability? The confidential counselor advises on an official report with relevant follow-up actions.
The board determines further steps: take immediate action if people are in danger and ensure that victims are supported, conduct research to map the nature and severity of the exceedance, report exceedances to those responsible, or possibly even make a report at the police.
It is important that victims of inappropriate behavior feel supported by those around them. This means that it is discussed with the person concerned whether action needs to be taken to restore safety. We check whether sufficient support can be provided by the victim's immediate environment, or whether professional help is needed.
If it is decided to conduct a more far-reaching investigation, the board will determine the investigation protocol. This sets out which questions must be answered, whether the investigation will be conducted internally or externally, whether the police should be involved, who has what responsibility and how the rights of those involved are protected.
If thorough investigation shows that the code of conduct has indeed been exceeded, the organization can punish perpetrators. Depending on the nature and severity of the violation, various penalties can be imposed, from a first warning to removal from the position. If necessary, external legal advice will be obtained.
With each report, it is discussed whether enough has been done to prevent the problem and what can be done to prevent recurrence.
Violations outside of own team
Integrity violations committed in our projects by persons not involved in the Medi Aid Foundation require special attention. It is up to the board to discuss the problem cases and to agree on a sufficient investigation, criminal procedure and/or communication plan.
In the event of significant violations of the code of conduct, stakeholders in the organization must be informed. This concerns, for example, embezzlement of significant amounts of money in projects or within the team, sexual misconduct within projects or within the team, or structural bullying. Stakeholders are, for example, relevant partner organizations or donors.
The integrity policy is published on our website. The annual report reports on any reports: number, nature and follow-up steps. It is also stated whether and how the policy has been adjusted.