Why use volunteers / ambassadors
Medi-Aid distinguishes between two types of volunteers
Ambassadors who are often supportive of activities within the Netherlands, volunteers who are supportive within the Netherlands and who are sent by Medi-Aid on behalf of projects in Sri Lanka.
The deployment of volunteers and / or ambassadors is of great importance to achieve Medi-Aid's objective. They have contacts at a local level and are personally and directly involved with Medi-Aid. Enthusiastic people who endorse the objective of Medi-Aid and who want to commit themselves voluntarily and without compensation.
What does Medi-Aid understand by volunteering?
Medi-Aid means voluntary work, work that is performed in any organized context, voluntarily and unpaid for the purpose of Medi-Aid, both in the Netherlands and in Sri Lanka. Volunteers / ambassadors can work locally and there is room for own initiative.
The volunteer / ambassador performs voluntary work in a personal capacity and Medi-Aid cannot be held liable in the event of calamities, accidents and material damage.
Board members of Medi-Aid can be asked for advice and support.
What does Medi-Aid understand by volunteer policy?
Giving guidelines that are necessary to allow volunteers / ambassadors to do their justice and to pursue their own objectives, in such a way that the objectives of Medi-Aid are served.
Why volunteer policy?
To provide clarity to volunteers / ambassadors.
As an incentive for (new) volunteers / ambassadors to achieve the goal of Medi-Aid.
Volunteers perform their activities without compensation. An exception to this is the posting of volunteers to Sri Lanka to carry out larger projects there. If budgetary possible, (partial) compensation will be made for travel and / or accommodation costs related to the project in Sri Lanka.
Which activities are (for example) considered
Recruiting donors (e.g. family, friends, acquaintances, etc.)
Organizing activities to raise money
Organizing promotional activities
Giving presentations on e.g. schools, associations, clubs
Raising funds
What does Medi-Aid have to offer the volunteer / ambassador?
Medi-Aid considers it important to have a personal relationship with the volunteers who work for Medi Aid and is open to their own initiatives and ideas. The volunteer program specializes, among other things, in offering volunteer work at reliable projects in Sri Lanka where the volunteer can actually make a contribution. Medi-Aid provides good information, training and guidance before and during the voluntary work period abroad.
In Sri Lanka, Medi-Aid works together with a partner organization, Medi-Aid Sri Lanka. Working with a local partner means that a reliable and personalized program can be offered.
Once a year the volunteers / ambassadors receive:
Annual report
(Adjusted) policy plan
Medi-Aid will use e-mail newsletters and a special volunteer section on the website to provide information. In addition, every volunteer / ambassador receives the Medi-Aid code of conduct. Project participants in Sri Lanka will also receive the Handbook for Volunteers.
Volunteer policy evaluation
Once a year, the board of Medi-Aid evaluates the volunteer policy. Where necessary, the policy can be adjusted.
Medi-Aid tries to carry out the work as well as possible.
However, if you do have a complaint, you can view our complaints procedure.
Note: This memorandum is an integral part of the code of conduct for participants in Medi-Aid projects
Knowledge transfer, advice etc.